Running CTP as a Linux Service

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1 Choice: Ubuntu Desktop or Server?

  • Ubuntu Server
    • Makes more sense - MIRC is a web service after all.
    • Will be leaner and faster.
    • Can run on a headless server or virtual machine.
  • Ubuntu Desktop
    • Easier (very easy) if you're new to Linux.
    • May be very slightly slower but on modern hardware you are unlikely to notice the difference.

2 Instructions / script for installing the latest CTP/MIRC-Zn in Ubuntu

2.1 (If you're new to Linux) How to cut and paste the script below into a file and execute it

  • Open an editor
nano ./
  • Cut and paste the code from the big box at the bottom of the page
  • Save the file and exit
ctrl-O and then hit enter
  • Make it executable
chmod 777 ./
  • Run it

2.2 What the script does

  • Checks which chipset you're running
  • Enables the ubuntu partner repo (to get Oracle Java)
  • Answers the Java installation questions in advance
  • Installs SunJava and a few other necessary applications
  • Downloads the appropriate JAI ImageIO and fixes the inherent problem in the Linux release
  • Installs JAI ImageIO
  • Downloads the latest version of MIRC-Zn
  • Writes an upstart script (so that CTP/MIRC will be run as a service automatically)
  • Installs RSNA MIRC
  • If you have x-forwarding or are installing from Ubuntu Desktop ignore the below points
    • If you are logged in without X11 or X-forwarding this script will tell you and help you fix it.
    • By the time it gets to the part that needs X-forwarding it has installed the necessary libraries
    • You will need to exit and re login (ssh) in to the server with X-fowarding and run the MIRC-Installer.jar file
    • The script below will talk you through it.
      • From a linux desktop to a linux server this is ssh -x username@host
      • From a mac to a linux server this is ssh -Y username@host
      • From a windows box you will need Putty and Xming X Server for MS Windows (google them).

2.3 The script


# Make sure only root can run our script
if $EUID -ne 0 ; then
echo "This script must be run as root or using sudo" 1>&2
exit 1

#reassure the user something is happening
echo 'Updating Ubuntu repositories ...'

#work in the temp folder
cd /var/tmp

#check which chipset we're using
case $(arch) in

# partner repo
echo deb lucid partner >>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/partner.list
apt-get -qq update

# preset the java answers:
debconf-set-selections << END
sun-java6-jdk shared/accepted-sun-dlj-v1-1 boolean true
sun-java6-jre shared/accepted-sun-dlj-v1-1 boolean true
sun-java6-bin shared/accepted-sun-dlj-v1-1 boolean true

#reassure the user something is happening
echo 'Downloading and installing required ubuntu packages ...'

# packages installed:
apt-get install -y -qq acpid htop unzip xauth libxtst6 sun-java6-jdk

#reassure the user something is happening
echo 'Downloading JAI Image IO ...'

# get jai binary
if [ -f ./jai_imageio-1_1-lib-linux-$CHIP-jdk.bin ]; then
rm ./jai_imageio-1_1-lib-linux-$CHIP-jdk.bin
wget -q$CHIP-jdk.bin

#reassure the user something is happening
echo 'Fixing the bug in JAI Image IO ...'

# make it executable
chmod 777 ./jai_imageio-1_1-lib-linux-$CHIP-jdk.bin

# fix an inherent flaw in the file (thanks to JGrass for this)
sed -i 's/+215/-n+215/' ./jai_imageio-1_1-lib-linux-$CHIP-jdk.bin

# put it in the jdk folder
mv ./jai_imageio-1_1-lib-linux-$CHIP-jdk.bin /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/

# execute the installer
cd /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/

# if a previous version is here - get rid of it
if [ -f UNINSTALL-jai_imageio ]; then
echo 'Removing previous install of JAI ImageIO ...'
bash UNINSTALL-jai_imageio
echo -e
echo 'Installing JAI ImageIO'
echo -e
echo 'You will be forced to wade through a long copyright'
echo 'and asked to type in yes to agree at the end'
echo 'Press enter ...'
read dummy

#reassure the user something is happening
echo 'Downloading RSNA MIRC Installer ...'

# go to the target folder
cd /usr/share

# get MIRC installer
if [ -f ./MIRC-installer.jar ]; then
rm ./MIRC-installer.jar
wget -q

#reassure the user something is happening
echo 'Writing an upstart script and putting it in /etc/init ...'

# make an upstart script
cat > /etc/init/MIRC-Zn.conf <<DELIM
description "MIRC Zn (CTP plugin not Tomcat)"
author "Tim Phillips <>"

start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE!=lo)
stop on stopping network-services


expect fork

cd /usr/share/CTP/
java -jar ./CTP-runner.jar
end script

echo -e
echo -e
echo -e
echo 'Now the RSNA installer will run'
echo 'You will be asked to choose a folder to install CTP/MIRC into'
echo 'It should be /usr/share or the startup script wont work'
echo -e
echo 'hit enter to continue'
read dummy
echo -e
echo -e

if [[ $(java -jar ./MIRC-installer.jar 2>&1 | grep X11) ]]
# have to re-login with X forwarding
echo -e
echo '================================================'
echo '================================================'
echo -e
echo 'X-forwarding is required for the MIRC installer'
echo 'logout, type in exit and hit enter'
echo 'and then login again from a machine with a screen....'
echo 'From a mac: ssh -Y user@host'
echo 'From a linux desktop: ssh -X user@host'
echo 'If you are using windows you will need PuTTy and Xming (google them)'
echo -e
echo 'When you have logged in again re-run this script'
cd ~
echo 'Starting MIRC web service (this will also happen automatically at boot) ...'
start MIRC-Zn
echo -e
echo 'finished - it should all be running'
echo 'point your browser to this server and have a look'

Any questions or comments please email me at - Tim Phillips.