Using the CTP Application Server

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This article describes how to use the CTP Application Server to download and launch Java applications using the Java Web Start protocol (JNLP).

The CTP Application Server is a servlet that is included in all CTP versions starting with 2012/08/15. The servlet is accessed through the URL /webstart/{name}, where {name} is the name of the application program to be launched.

To deploy a Java program for downloading by the Application Server servlet, the program and all the resources it uses (jar libraries, etc.) must be placed in a first-generation child directory of CTP/ROOT. The name off the directory must be the same as the name of the application. For example, the TCIASender program and all its libraries must be placed in the CTP/ROOT/TCIASender directory.

An XSL file with the name {name}.xsl must also appear in the same directory. The XSL file is used by the servlet to process a dynamically generated XML document and produce the JNLP XML structure required to trigger the download and launch of the application.

The structure of the dynamically generated document is:


The values of the elements in the document are constructed by the servlet from the HTTP connection. For example, to launch the TCIASender application, the URL might be:

In this case, the document generated by the servlet will be:

        <title><![CDATA[My Institution]]></title>
        <name><![CDATA[My Name]]></name>

The XSL program to launch this application would be:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
<xsl:output method="xml" encoding="utf-8" omit-xml-declaration="yes" />

<xsl:template match="/jnlp">
	<jnlp codebase="{environment/protocol}://{environment/host}/{environment/application}" >

			<title>TCIA Transport Utility</title>
			<homepage href=""/>
			<description>TCIA Transport Utility</description>
			<description kind="short">Java Web Start program for transmitting images to TCIA for clinical trials.</description>


			<j2se version="1.5+"/>
			<jar href="TCIASender.jar"/>
			<jar href="CTP.jar"/>
			<jar href="dcm4che.jar"/>
			<jar href="log4j.jar"/>
			<jar href="util.jar"/>

		<application-desc main-class="tcia.TCIASender">
			<argument>"<xsl:value-of select="params/title"/>"</argument>
			<argument>"<xsl:value-of select="params/name"/>"</argument>



  • If the <all-permissions/> element is included, all the jars listed in the <resources> element must be signed.
  • This method of launching the application does not support its being launched by the Java Application Manager off-line because there is no JNLP file available on the disk. Thus the href attribute of the <jnlp> element must not be generated by the XSL. Doing so will cause the Application Manager to be unable to launch the application.