MIRC CTP Articles
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This is a list of articles on this Wiki related to the RSNA MIRC Clinical Trials Processor (CTP).
Main Articles
- MIRC CTP is the top-level article. It describes the installation and configuration of the program.
- The CTP Launcher Configuration Editor describes how to configure CTP.
- Enabling SSL in the CTP Server describes how to configure the CTP server for SSL connections
- Running CTP as a Windows Service describes how to install and configure CTP as a Windows service.
- Running CTP as a Linux Service describes how to install and configure CTP as a Linux service.
- CTP Authentication and Privileges describes how CTP authenticates users and provides access to protected functions.
- CTP Authentication Using LDAP describes how to configure CTP to use an LDAP server for user authentication.
- CTP Authentication Using OpenAM describes how to configure CTP to use an OpenAM server for user authentication.
- Java Advanced Imaging ImageIO Tools provides links to the ImageIO Tools on various platforms.
Data Object Articles
- The CTP XmlObject describes the placement of identifiers in an XmlObject.
- The CTP ZipObject describes the structure of a ZipObject, including the schema of the manifest.
Filter Articles
- The CTP DICOM Filter describes the script language for the DicomFilter pipeline stage.
- The CTP XML and Zip Filters describes the script language for the XmlFilter and ZipFilter pipeline stages.
Anonymizer Articles
- The CTP DICOM Anonymizer describes the script language and the functions available for anonymization of DICOM objects.
- The CTP DICOM Anonymizer Configurator describes anonymization profiles and how to use the configurator to edit anonymization scripts.
- The DICOM Anonymizer Keep Safe Private Elements Feature describes how to extend the index of private elements.
- The CTP DICOM Pixel Anonymizer describes the script language for modifying the pixels in DICOM objects.
- Using the CTP DicomPixelAnonymizer explains how to use the stage most effectively.
- The CTP XML Anonymizer describes the script language and the functions available for anonymization of XML objects and the manifests of Zip objects.
- DICOM Anonymizer Configuration for Assigning Subject IDs describes the special considerations involved in using the DICOM Anonymizer to create subject IDs.
- The CTP Lookup Table Editor describes how to add subject IDs to the DICOM Anonymizer lookup table.
- The dcm4che Library Documentation provides links to tables of DICOM elements and UIDs useful in writing anonymizer and filter scripts.
- The_DicomAnonymizerTool describes how to use the command-line anonymizer program.
FileStorageService Articles
- The CTP FileStorageService Web Server describes the web access features of the FileStorageService pipeline stage.
- The CTP FileStorageService Access Mechanism describes the how access to stored objects can be controlled in the FileStorageService pipeline stage.
Special Configuration Articles
- CTP Configuration for Study Distribution describes how to use CTP to distribute studies to patients and referring physicians.
- CTP Configuration for NBIA describes how to configure CTP to serve as the front-end of the NBIA system.
- CTP Configuration for the Image Sharing Project describes how to configure CTP to interface to the Edge Server.
- Configuring the HttpExportService for Connection to XNAT Servers describes special features for transfers to XNAT servers.
- Using the CTP Application Server describes how to launch Java Web Start programs from the CTP Server.
- Configuring the CTPClient Application for Clinical Trials describes how to configure and launch the CTPClient application.
- Using CTPClient describes how to use CTPClient to submit studies to clinical trials.
- Using the DicomAnonymizer dateinterval Function describes special considerations in using the dateinterval function.
- Extending the CTP Server Content Type Associations describes how to add content type definitions to the CTP Server.
- Using the CTP EmailService Pipeline Stage describes how to send email notifications of received studies.
- Using the CTP AuditLog Plugin describes how to use the AuditLog plugin to build tables of element values.
Articles for Developers and Planners
- Setting Up a MIRC Development Environment describes the development environment that was used to develop all the MIRC software, including CTP.
- Extending CTP describes how to add new pipeline stages or DatabaseAdapters to CTP.
- CTP Plugins describes how to develop new plugins.
- Developing DICOM Anonymizer Extensions describes how to use plugins to extend the DICOM Anonymizer.
- Developing a DicomDifferenceLogger LogAdapter describes how to interface the DicomDifferenceLogger to an external database.
- The Lookup Table Modification API describes how an external application can modify the DICOM Anonymizer Lookup Table.
- The CTP Module describes the contents and theory of operation of the CTP application.
- The Util Module describes the contents and theory of operation of the utilities used in CTP.
Deprecated Articles
- The CTP JarClassLoader describes the mechanism that CTP used to load classes before it was changed to allow it to dynamically modify the classpath.