Java Advanced Imaging ImageIO Tools

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This article captures current information about the Java Advanced Imaging ImageIO Tools to document exactly what files are involved.

The ImageIO Tools consist of two jar files plus one or more files which are in native code for the platform. The names in the tables below are the ones that appeared in versions 1.0 and 1.1. As the ImageIO Tools progress, the names of the files may accumulate release identification, as in jai_imageio-1.2-pre-dr-b04.jar.

1 JAR Files

File nameDescriptionTypical Location
jai_imageio.jarJAR file containing core JAI Image I/O class filesjre/lib/ext
clibwrapper_jiio.jarcodecLib JNI interfacesjre/lib/ext

2 Native Libraries

File nameDescriptionPlatformTypical Location
libclib_jiio.somediaLib JNI shared librariesLinuxjre/i386 or jre/lib/amd64
clib_jiio.dllcodecLib JNI shared librariesWindowsjre/bin
clib_jiio_sse2.dllmediaLib JNI DLL librariesWindowsjre/bin

3 Installation Files

The Oracle site no longer provides links to the ImageIO Tools version 1.1 or later. The files necessary to install the tools on several platforms have been put on the RSNA MIRC site.

3.1 Windows

The Windows installer for the ImageIO Tools is available at: jai_imageio-1_1-lib-windows-i586-jre.exe

A zip file containing the files (not required if using the installer) is available at:

3.2 Linux

A zip file for installing the ImageIO Tools on an i686 platform is available at:

A zip file for installing the ImageIO Tools on an x86_64 platform is available at:

3.3 Solaris

A zip file for installing the ImageIO Tools on an i686 platform is available at:

A zip file for installing the ImageIO Tools on a SPARC platform is available at:

A zip file for installing the ImageIO Tools on a SPARC v9 platform is available at:

A zip file for installing the ImageIO Tools on an x86_64 platform is available at:

3.4 Macintosh

A zip file containing the two jar files is available at

No native libraries are available for the Macintosh. Place the two jar files into:


4 Notes

  1. The jar files are required.
  2. The dll/so files are optional.
  3. The dll/so files provide acceleration for certain image types.
  4. The dll/so files may also provide support for additional image types.
  5. You can force the ImageIO Tools not to use the native libraries by starting a program with this switch:

Much more information is available at, although this information seems to be out of date.