RadLex Protege Plugin
1 Plugin Description
The plugins have been tested on version 3.2 of Protege. If the plugins do not work on a newer version, it is recommended that the plugin is rebuilt from source, using the most recent build of the Protege libraries.
1.1 Tabbed File Importer
imports the parent/child relationships based upon a tabbed file
1.2 RadLex SQL Exporter
Generates a file for creating the database for the RadLex Term Browser
1.2.1 Database Structure
The Term Browser uses two tables: radterms Defines the relevant information about each term
radlinks Defines the relationships between terms
1.3 RadLex OWL Exporter
converts the Protege Frames ontology into a OWL ontology
1.4 RID Generator
generates unique RadLex ID for new terms
2 Installation Instructions
Download and install Protege.
Download a copy of the plugin.
Unzip the plugin into the plugins directory of your Protege installation. On windows, this directory usually is (depending on your version of Protege):
C:\Program Files\Protege_3.2.1\plugins
Once unzipped, the file plugin will be located at
C:\Program Files\Protege_3.2.1\plugins\org.radlex\radlex_plugins.jar