The DicomAnonymizerTool
The DicomAnonymizerTool is a command-line program that processes a single file or a tree of directories using pipeline stages like those in CTP. It contains a DicomFilter, a DicomPixeAnonymizer, and a DicomAnonymizer. Each of the stages can be enabled, disabled, or configured through command-line parameters.
The installer for the program can be obtained at
To install the program, run the installer and select a directory. The installer will create a subdirectory called DicomAnonymizerTool in the selected directory and place all the necessary files in it.
The program runs on Java 7 or better, including Java 9 and 10.
To run the program, open a command window in the program's directory and run the program from the command line.
If the program is run with no command-line parameters, it will list help information and information about the configuration of the platform on which it is running:
D:\JavaPrograms\DicomAnonymizerTool>java -jar DAT.jar Usage: java -jar DAT.jar {parameters} where: -in {input} specifies the file or directory to be anonymized If {input} is a directory, all files in it and its subdirectories are processed. -out {output} specifies the file or directory in which to store the anonymized file or files. If -out is missing and -in specifies a file, the anonymized file is named {input}-an. If -out is missing and -in specifies a directory, an output directory named {input}-an is created. If {output} is missing and -in specifies a file, the anonymized file overwrites {input} If {output} is present and -in specifies a file, the anonymized file is named {output} If {output} is present and -in specifies a directory, an output directory named {output} is created. -f {scriptfile} specifies the filter script. If -f is missing, all files are accepted. If {scriptfile} is missing, the default script is used. -da {scriptfile} specifies the anonymizer script. If -da is missing, element anonymization is not performed. If {scriptfile} is missing, the default script is used. -p{param} "{value}" specifies a value for the specified parameter. {value} must be encapsulated in quotes. -e{element} "{script}" specifies a script for the specified element. {element} may be specified as a DICOM keyword, e.g. -ePatientName. {element} may be specified as (group,element), e.g. -e(0010,0010). {element} may be specified as [group,element], e.g. -e[0010,0010]. {element} may be specified as groupelement, e.g. -e00100010. {script} must be encapsulated in quotes. -lut {lookuptablefile} specifies the anonymizer lookup table properties file. If -lut is missing, the default lookup table is used. -dpa {pixelscriptfile} specifies the pixel anonymizer script file. If -dpa is missing, pixel anonymization is not performed. If {pixelscriptfile} is missing, the default pixel script is used. -dec specifies that the image is to be decompressed if the pixel anonymizer requires it. -rec specifies that the image is to be recompressed after pixel anonymization if it was decompressed. -test specifies that the pixel anonymizer is to blank regions in mid-gray. -check {frame} specifies that the anonymized image is to be tested to ensure that the images load. If -check is missing, no frame checking is done. If {frame} is missing, only the last frame is checked. If {frame} is specified as first, only the first frame is checked. If {frame} is specified as last, only the last frame is checked. If {frame} is specified as all, all frames are checked. -n {threads} specifies the number of parallel threads used for processing. -v specifies verbose output Configuration: Windows 10 java.version: 10.0.1 64 java.home: C:\Program Files\Java\jre-10.0.1 clib: D:\JavaPrograms\DicomAnonymizerTool\clibwrapper_jiio-1.2-pre-dr-b04.jar jai: D:\JavaPrograms\DicomAnonymizerTool\jai_imageio-1.2-pre-dr-b04.jar jiio: null jiio sse2: null jiio util: null ImageIO Tools version: 1.2-pre-dr-b04 This Java does not have the ImageIOTools native code extensions installed. Available codecs: R/W BMP R/W DICOM R/W GIF R/W JPEG R/W JPEG2000 R/W JPG R/W PCX R/W PNG R/W PNM R/W RAW R RLE R/W TIFF R/W WBMP