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The easiest MIRC install ever. This will work best on a new install of Ubuntu Linux 10.04 (Lucid) Server Designed for a 32-bit (i386) install, not 64-bit (amd64).

Updated to T36 omega

NB. All commands should be executed as root (or using sudo)

Add the required partner and custom repositories:

  apt-get -y install python-software-properties 
  apt-add-repository 'deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner'
  apt-add-repository ppa:timothy-john-phillips/mirc
  apt-get update

Install MIRC T36..

  apt-get -y install mirc36

You will be asked to agree to the terms and conditions of Sun Java. Agree to it all. Reboot the machine:


Point a web browswer at the IP address of your Ubuntu machine and you should see your new MIRC site.

Included features

  1. Port 80 (default web port) rather than 8080
  2. Automatically starts at boot up and closes at shutdown.
  3. Java, JAI IO, and Tomcat all included.

I've made these repositories to simplify the installation of MIRC on Linux. It eliminates the fiddling with Java Image IO tools and Tomcat. I plan to update it with each release of MIRC.

Hope this helps someone.

Appreciate any feedback. - timothy.john.phillips@gmail.com